Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

What incredibly sweet thing has Bill said to me recently? Well, in order to recall everything, I'd seriously need to start carrying around a tape recorder and record everything he says. I don't think I could afford to buy the number of tapes I would need to capture everything.

If it's possible, I think I love Bill more today than yesterday and the day before that. He's not only my husband, he's my best friend. And I look forward to spending many, many years with him. Watching those couple of grey hairs turn into LOTS of grey hairs. I think it's quite attractive. I look forward to growing old with Bill.

A Haiku for Bill:

Haiku for husband
My best friend, my everything
Today and always

Monday, October 8, 2007

October 8, 2008

Bill has said something to me, on more than one occasion that I don't think I've mentioned here.

"I'm not me without you"

I don't need to say anything else. Surely, you're starting to get the picture.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

September 20, 2007

I lost my job back on September 5th; and although, we're both really stressed about money, Bill consistently tells me that something will come up. I know he's worried about our financial situation, but he never makes me feel bad about losing my job. I can't thank him enough for that.

Bill believes in me when I don't. He thinks I'm beautiful when I definitely do not. He constantly tells me that I'm sexy, yet I don't see it. One of the many reasons I love Bill is due to how he makes me feel about myself.

I feel like it's ok to be ME when I'm with Bill. I don't try to hide my dorkiness or my silliness when I'm with him. He says he wouldn't have me any other way. He just loves ME. How wonderful is that?

Sunday, August 19, 2007

March 31, 2007

While reading through some old emails in my MySpace inbox, I came across a sweet note from my, now, loving husband. This was sent to me 26 days before the BIG day!

"Honey, you are so sweet to me and make me feel so good. I'm overwhelmed with the way I feel about you - every time I get to lay down and put my arm around you, I know that I am where I belong, and more importantly, where I want to be. I love you with all my heart."

Does it bring a tear to your eye? Yeah....mine too. I love this man; probably more than he realizes. He is my best friend, my lover, the person I chose to accompany me through all life's neverending journey.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

My Secret Crush

I am absolutely in love with my husband. I adore him like mad! I realized that not only do I love him, but I have a crush on him. I know that sounds incredibly silly, but it’s true. When I look into his eyes, I get this overwhelming feeling like I’m back in high school and he’s the boy that I so desperately want to notice me.

“Oh my god, there’s Billy. He’s SO cute! I wish he’d notice me. OMG! He just looked at me and smiled.” Instant butterflies in the tummy kind of feeling! I absolutely love feeling like this about him.

I felt really embarrassed after I told him how I felt. I mentioned it to Anna this morning and she said, “And that is the absolute cutest thing I’ve ever heard. It’s not silly... I think it’s perfect.”

Billy is perfection, in my eyes. He is the best husband in so many ways. How could I not have a “crush” on him?

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Thursday, August 2, 2007

I love my husband, more than anything in this world. Sometimes I feel that I disappoint him on a daily basis. I just want to do what will make him happy. He means everything to me. He's the best part of being alive. He makes me feel wonderful about the world, about myself, about a lot of things.

Bill, I love you.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Words of Love

Today we bought a deck of cards that has different "intimate" ideas on each card. I was flipping through some of the cards, but one in particular caught my eye, "His For Her: Words of Love". Then I read further, "Tonight, I am going to make love to you with my words. I think you are wonderful, and I think we are great together. I am going to tell you what I love about you, about us, about how you make me feel when you do those things you do." Phew. I read on.

"As good as we might be at making love physically, most of us neglect making love with our words. Talking ot her, praising her, admiring her is not only pleasing to her, it also helps to remind you of your own feelings.

"......and tell her what you appreciate about her, her body, her mind, your partnership. As you make love, tell her that you love the softness of her skin, the cuve of her waist, the shape of her breast. Say, "I love it when you..." Dedicate yourself to saying at least ten positive things about her and your feelings for her. She may know these things, but she loves to hear you say them."

OMG. Had he read this specific card somewhere else? A time before? He does EXACTLY what the card had suggested. He says the most beautiful things to me when we're being intimate with one another.

Just Friday evening, he was saying so many wonderful things to me that I, honestly, got misty eyed while in the act of making love. Every single day, this man that I love, somehow always manages to tell me or show me exactly how he feels for me.

And to be honest, I love it. I love him. I love our life together. He is my everything. How could I not have fallen for him? Tell me that.